Thursday, October 14, 2010

Red boot

Serial casting round one! His physiatrist only ended up casting his right leg as his left ankle has good range of motion. So far he doesn't seem to mind it at all. He is very proud of his new red boot!


Hopeful Mother said...

Go Drake!

GingerB said...

Congrats on a successful procedure! We also had a first today - casting for Constraint Therapy - true to form the child is doing much better than the mother. Did you cry at all? When mine was squirming and wailing while I held her down, I cried, now I feel all wrung out and she was so normal I put her in day care. We might do casting next month . . . I'm anxious to see how this goes for you guys. Well done, Mom.

ParkerMama said...

He does look proud!

Tammy and Parker

Cary said...

Love it! But then again, I'm partial to red boots :)

Unknown said...

I've really enjoyed reading your blog and wish you posted more! Your son is a few years older than mine but there are a lot of similarities so I like to follow his progress.
1. I have twins, 1 typical, 1 with extensive, bilateral pvl.
2. Similar motor impairments - mostly affecting lower legs.
3. The affected twin is now 17 months and just started crawling on all 4s.
4. We live in California so have to deal with all the same agencies and cuts.
5. My son has same glasses, but gray, for strabismus. He just had strabismus surgery in August.

Anyway, if you need encouragement to keep posting, please do!

Julie Lewin,
Mom to Gavin Lewin, 3 and Ben and Rowan Lewin 17 months.

Anonymous said...

hi! i just found your blog :). congratulations!!!! i have boy-girl twins, too. my son, who is 3.5 months adjusted now, has cystic, bilateral PVL. I hope you don't mind if I link your blog to mine. I get really excited whenever I find a blog with people who are in similar situations.