We had a great Halloween. This was the first year the twins really got into it. Two years ago, they had just come home from the NICU. Last year, they were adorable dressed up as bugs -- Lucy a ladybug and Drake a bumblebee --but they sat in their stroller as we walked the 'hood and nodded off after a few blocks. This year, dressed as a pirate and a ninja, they eagerly reached into the bowls of candy offered at each house and enjoyed their first real piece of candy -- a lollipop.

Lucy is pretty much over the stroller these days. Our double umbrella stroller is semi-retired -- we now mostly use this cheap single umbrella stroller for Drake and let Lucy walk everywhere. Lucy boldly walked up the steps of each house we "treated". Myself or my husband would take Drake out of the stroller and carry him up to the door. Yes, it was a little tiresome taking him in an out of the stroller all night. But we wanted him to be able to participate, to knock on the door and reach in the candy bowl.
After we got home and put our over-tired, sugared-out kids to bed, my husband said, "I really can't wait for Drake to be able to trick or treat on his own." I realized through all of our ins and outs of the stroller, it never really occurred to me that Halloween could be hell on a mobility-impaired little one. All the walking, all the up and down the stairs, all the running to keep up with the high-on-sugar friends. It kind of bummed me out. We'd had such a fun night and at the end of it I was left thinking about future Halloweens and not savoring the moment of this one.
I consoled myself by thinking a) he will get up and down the street on his own, i just know it and b) he has a great wing-woman of a sister who will always make sure they are both long in lollipops.